
Engineering Education Events, including Open House Events (redirected from Engineering Education Events)

Page history last edited by Adam Carberry 3 months ago




Upcoming Events


STEM Education Postdoctoral Opportunities Summit


Are you a STEM education researcher looking to hire one or more postdocs? 


The STEM Education Postdoctoral Opportunities Summit (a.k.a. “the Summit”) will be a virtual event on Tuesday, November 19, from 5 - 7 pm Eastern. The goals of the Summit are to connect doctoral students and recent doctoral graduates with postdoctoral opportunities nationwide, to elevate emerging scholars, and to provide professional networking pathways for a diverse pool of applicants. Doctoral candidates or recent graduates interested in applying for STEM education postdoc positions will have the opportunity to present a "pitch" about themselves, their research, and their goals for pursuing a postdoctoral experience. STEM education researchers with open postdoc positions will present information about their program to recruit applicants. We currently have 17 postdoctoral positions lined up to be represented at the summit, across multiple STEM fields and contexts thus far.


For those with available postdoc positions, here’s what to do (by Thursday, November 14):

  • If you plan on attending the Summit to recruit applicants for your postdoc position(s):
    • Register your available position(s) here. (The link to the registration form is also on our website.)
    • Create a slide about your position(s) in our Google slide deck using the template for available postdoc positions. (Please create one slide for multiple positions within a single program unless they are each in different areas or have different eligibility requirements.)
    • Complete the information form with information about your program to be shared with potential applicants. While some of the information you entered is already on the registration form and slide, we’re asking for it again if you can’t attend the Summit.
  • If you will not be at the Summit but want to recruit applicants for your postdoc position(s), please complete the information form with the information about your program. We will still share it with potential applicants after the Summit.  

The Summit is being organized by the Postdoctoral Research Opportunities and Mentoring for Inclusive STEM Education (PROMISE).

Questions? Contact the PROMISE Project Team at PROMISE@lists.clemson.edu.  


The PROMISE Team: Lisa Benson, Eliza Gallagher, Kelly Lazar, Matt Voigt, Karen High, Katreena Thomas, Matthew Boyer, Jeremy Bernier, Fantasi Nicole, Sam Ridgway, and Stephanie Damas


The PROMISE project is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation, award number 2329538.


KEEN Emerging Engineering Educators (EMEE) Workshop

Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) invites engineering / engineering education PhD candidates and post-docs to participate in an Engineering Unleashed Faculty development workshop specifically designed for emerging engineering educators. The event will take place January 24 - 26, 2025 in Austin, TX, overlapping with the KEEN National Conference. Please express interest using the following link: https://kernfamilyfdn.eventsair.com/2025eee/2025emeeworkshop/Site/Register.


Archived Events


2024 Virtual North American Graduate Engineering Education Research Program Showcase

Thank you again for those who were able to attend the Virtual North American Graduate Engineering Education Research Program Showcase on Friday, September 27. I am excited to share that recordings from all participating institutions are now available, along with their program slides. Please find the links and passcodes to each recording below. 

  • Main showcase recording: link, passcode: hNp6h@5T
  • Clemson presentation recording: link, passcode: *0Y?dzp^ 

We also have a few more links to share. 

Lastly, if you haven’t had a chance to complete the evaluation survey, we encourage you to do so at the link below. Your feedback will help us improve future showcases. In addition, all participants can choose to enter a random drawing for one of ten $25 Amazon gift cards. We’ll close the survey on Friday, October 18.


2023 Virtual Multi-Institutional Showcase for Engineering Education Graduate Research Programs in the U.S.

This recent event held on Monday, September 25, 2023 from 2:00-4:00 pm EST showcased 17 participating Engineering Education Graduate Research Programs in the U.S. The virtual event provided an opportunity to learn about different programs and strategies to prepare competitive applications. Open the attached FLYER for more information or view the event RECORDING (Passcode: kvy8Q%PK). 

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