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Engineering Education Community Resource

Page history last edited by Adam Carberry 6 days, 14 hours ago

This engineering education wiki is a resource created in 2011 by the American Society for Engineering Education's Student Division (ASEE SD), in collaboration with the Center For Engineering Learning & Teaching (CELT). The resource primarily consists of links to programs, centers, researchers, societies, publication venues, etc., intended to help in the exploration of engineering and, more broadly, STEM education. We hope that ultimately this wiki will encourage community members to expand this resource as a place to inform students and other interested individuals new to engineering education about the research happening in this field at institutions and centers all over the world.


The resource currently consists of lists in the following categories:



These lists are works in progress. Your contributions help keep them current and complete. If you wish to add anything on this wiki, please contact the list maintainers by e-mailing engineeringeducationlist@uw.edu and providing a link to your addition. (Note: The wiki does not post files.)


Adam Carberry, Professor & Chair @ The Ohio State University, Department of Engineering Education (EED)

Ken Yasuhara, Instructional Consultant and Director @ University of Washington, Office for the Advancement of Engineering Teaching & Learning (ET&L)


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